Apr – May

Events & Festivals in 2024

Event schedules are subject to change at discretion of event organizers. Status may change day by day. Please contact about more updates to Sado Tourist Association 0259-27-5000 or write to info@visitsado.com

Sanno Matsuri (April 12, 13 and 14)

a) Hiyoshi Shrine (Evenings on 12th, 13th and afternoon on 14th)
b) Onidaiko deity-masked dances and other local traditions.

Shimbo Matsturi (April 15)

a) Shimbo Hachiman Shrine
b) Onidaiko deity-masked dance performances at the shrine. Taikeiji Temple, next to the shrine, also holds other event on the same day.

Cherry Blossom Light-up (April 5-19)

a) Sado Gold Mine Parking Lot #3
b) Cherry blossom trees will be lit up from April 8th to 22th in the evening until 9:30pm.

Kodo Sado Island Performances in Shukunegi (April 27 - 29, May 3 - 6)

a) Shukunegi Community Hall
b) A small group of Kodo’s members will present up-close taiko performances at the local retro playhouse at 11:00am on 4/28, 4/29, 5/4, 5/5, 5/6; and 2:30pm on 4/27, 4/28, 5/3, 5/4 and 5/5. Advance ticket ¥4,000 Call 0259-86-2330 or bvihttp://www.kodo.or.jp

Kodo Ticket Service
Phone: 0259-86-2330 (Japanese assistance only, Mon–Fri, 9:30–17:00)
Email: ticket@kodo.or.jp (English assistance available)

Minato Matsuri (May 5)

a) Wakamiya Shrine
b) Onidaiko, deity-masked dances, floats, shouldering a mikoshi shrine and other attractions until late evening.

Botan (peonies) Matsuri (May 4-5)

a) Chokokuji Temple
b) The temple is well-known for many seasonal flowers. Mid-May is the blooming season of beautiful peonies.

Ondeko dotcom (Onidaiko Festival) May 26

a)Ryotsu Minato Koen Park
b) Many Onidiko deity-masked dance groups meet at the venue from 10am to 4pm.